My blog garden
Hi! Welcome and hope you enjoy!

Welcome to my blog. Before anything else please follow these rules : No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts. Respect is a must . Enjoy your stay and have fun!

Profile Blog Links Joined Credits
I am ME
Malaysian girl, turning 18 this september. Just graduated from school. OMG, time flies. Hope for an awesome 2013~!!

Feeling : Happy and lazy
Eating : Tasty food
Doing : Fun and awesome things (sometimes)
Watching : Anime, cartoons,dramas..etc
Listening to : Vocaloid's songs, kpop..etc


All Time Favorite
PewDiePie | nigahiga | pusheen

Rotten Things
October 2010 | November 2010 | December 2011 | December 2012 | February 2013 | March 2013 | May 2013 |

My First Published Art~~!!
The Apple Tree..
pinano ~ ♥
~da time that good frenz share together~
mY nEw piNk bLOgiE
I Once....


Taking a journey to Barbie’s world~~!!
Written at 16 December 2012 | back to top

Before I tell you my trip to Barbie’s World..hahahah..first let me tell you what happened 2 me..
yesterday..I’ve became one of the character of a storybook..n guest who?..hehehe..i’ve became little red riding hood~~!!! more like little red readerhood..hehehe


Hahahaha…just kidding..but I really meet the big bad wolf..but not the actual 1…but the Big Bad Wolf Books “THE WORLD’S BIGGEST BOOK SALE”..


it was really exciting being there..they have sale from 75% to 95%...on all almost the newest and hottest English books…it was super duper cheap..the event was swarming with people..

from malay to india to chinese..and of course visitor around the world..people would be carrying boxes of books back home..it sound like a lie..but its really true..u should see by ur self..lalalalaala~~~


ok..back to the main title…Barbie’s world!!..hehehehe..after the big bad wolf thing..i went to the mines shopping mall..there they have this beautiful human Barbie dressing up..she was dancing in her beautiful Barbie dress..but I didn’t get 2 see it..only my sis did the day before I went..but I got 2 see a lot of barbie’s other thing…here are some picture I snapped..huhuhuh


really pretty right...n really pink...haahhahaha..but that's Barbie 2 u...
that's all..bye2...