My blog garden
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Welcome to my blog. Before anything else please follow these rules : No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts. Respect is a must . Enjoy your stay and have fun!

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I am ME
Malaysian girl, turning 18 this september. Just graduated from school. OMG, time flies. Hope for an awesome 2013~!!

Feeling : Happy and lazy
Eating : Tasty food
Doing : Fun and awesome things (sometimes)
Watching : Anime, cartoons,dramas..etc
Listening to : Vocaloid's songs, kpop..etc


All Time Favorite
PewDiePie | nigahiga | pusheen

Rotten Things
October 2010 | November 2010 | December 2011 | December 2012 | February 2013 | March 2013 | May 2013 |

Good Bye, Be Safe
Do I have a heart problem??..am i going to die??
Taking a journey to Barbie’s world~~!!
My First Published Art~~!!
The Apple Tree..
pinano ~ ♥
~da time that good frenz share together~
mY nEw piNk bLOgiE
I Once....


Written at 19 February 2013 | back to top

is it just me.....? don't you think the butterfly has 2 flap faster n more harder?
coz the bread + butter is pretty heavy (for an insect)...
its just a random photo from disney's alice in wonderland...
and its bread + butter + fly... really nice combination..(thumbs up)

I think it was last week mybe........? or..is it the week before it......?
yup last week...
I went to the butterfly park..yea me~~!! huhuhu
there....ofcourse there are butterfly... (the name of the place explain it all)


i like this the most..
because i like light blue..n because at some angle..the butterfly looks like it is black..
but from a diffrent angle..it shows its lovely blue colour that hits the suns =D

the butterfly was very pretty...but Malaysia's butterfly..most of it..is dark n brown in colour...
(why~~!!!! why~~!!! malaysia~~~!!!?? why~~!!??) well......atleast we have butterfly..haha
but there are also pretty and colourful butterfly...

I really want to take a picture of a butterfly and me..
but i was kinda scared? hahaha don't no why....
but eventually a got a few snap of a butterfly on my hand and shoulder...
hohohohoohoho... (mybe the butterfly like me..coz i smell nice) hahahahahaha

the photos are in my sister's phone...so can't show it to you...(huhuuhuuuuuuuu)
ok thanks for reading..have a nice day~~~~!!